Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Worship is a very important part of our everyday life. That’s right, it is to be every day that we get alone with God and pour out our hearts to him as He pours out his love, grace, and mercy to us.

Song of Solomon 8:6, 7 – “Love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.”

Too often our worship is tamed by the complications of this world. I long to be in a place where my fire for God cannot be quenched or washed away, even by the mightiest rivers of opposition – I long for a worship that can never be extinguished.

There are three things needed to keep a fire burning; heat, oxygen, and fuel. The removal of any of these three can and will cause the fire to smolder. Just as water can put out a fire, so the trials and pressures of this life can dampen our hearts for worship. It is so easy during hardship to cool down a little and then tell God that we will worship again when things get back to normal. What we need to realize is that we are to worship God in the middle of life’s sorrows. There are some worshipers that “always trust, always hopes, and always perseveres” (1 Cor. 13:7). That is the kind of worshiper I want to be. I do not want, will not allow my worship to be extinguished. The same way you take oxygen out of a fire is the same way your worship can be extinguished. The revelation of God is the fuel that drives our worship. He has revealed Himself to us in creation, throughout the history of His people and overwhelmingly at the cross. And to this day, every breath we breathe is a reminder of our maker, and every hour holds the possibility of living in His presence.

The Heart of God Loves a persevering worshipper who, though overwhelmed by many troubles, is overwhelmed even more by the beauty of God.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Well I've been asked why I haven't have a recent post. With everything going on lately, who has had time to blog? The past few months have been pretty overwhelming with completing the new sanctuary, and planning for the new year, and now renovating the youth building (Which by the way is going to be pretty SWEET!), and juggling all of the children, youth, and college events, my mind has been too crazy to try to put into words what God is doing in my life and in the life of our church.
We are so blessed to be growing as a church and seeing people saved almost every week. It is my desire to see that excitment grow in the hearts of our teenagers and young singles. Plese continue to pray for them and for the large group of 7th graders that will be moving up this summer. I can't wait to see what God will do in their lives, but we must never to neglect to lift them up in prayer because they face the devil head on every day. Pray that God will give them a desire to know Him more and have the strength to live for Him every day as they make decisions that could impact their lives forever. I hope that as we get this youth building finished it will give them a place that is their own where they can bring their friends and have fun, but more importantly, help give them a spirit of worship like they've never had before.
Also, I am so excited to see what God is doing through the Carolina Faith Riders Ministry. The SC Baptist Convention has decided to give money toward mission work at Bike Week in Myrtle Beach, SC! We are going to have the opportunity to reach out to these lost bikers and show them how much God loves them! We will giving out tracks, and will also have rallies on Fri. and Sat. night featuring Tyler Edwards and his band Lift to Release, and Christian comedian, Barry McGee and we will also be giving a BIKE AWAY! How awesome is that! And we are now going to have a bike night once a month at Sonic also to hopefully get some bikers together and reach out to them. It will be the 4th Thursday of every month and bikers get 10% off of their meal so tell your friends with bikes about it!
God is truly at work all around us and even in the life of my own family. Dori and I are so blessed to have the family that we have and I pray that God will continue to keep us growing together in Him. We recently got the opportunity to get away for our anniversary for a much needed time of rest and relaxation in Charleston where we could just focus on each other, sleep late, and have fun together. Guys, don't neglect to take that time to just spend with your wife and more importantly to pray not just for her, but with her! I can't even begin to tell you what God can do in a marriage where a husband and wife pray together.
Well I believe I have gotten ya'll up to speed on some of the things going on in my life lately. Continue to pray for our church and also for Mama and Daddy who are both sick with the flu this week.